Alert: FRIENDS OF ST KEVERNE HC - Donation Bucket and Christmas Prize Square Draw

Members of the Friends will be attending the Flu clinics being held in Surgery to raise awareness of the Group and to raise funds which enables them to buy valuable equipment for our patients.
They will be having a donation box and have leaflets available to hand out for anyone wanting to join the Committee.
It would be helpful when attending the Flu Clinics if you could bring along some MONEY with a view to donating to this worthy cause.
COFFEE MORNING - THURSDAY 31 OCTOBER, 10am to 12noon - St Keverne Church Hall
Christmas Prize Square Draw will be held in the Surgery from end of October and the draw will be made on 13 December. £1 per square and this will be available in Surgery.

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Global IT issue affecting GP practices and pharmacies nationally

We are aware of a global IT issue which is affecting some primary care services in our region. It may […]

Access and Parking

We are situated at the top of the High street in St Keverne. Pedestrian access is at the bus stop behind […]


This survey has started again following COVID.  Please complete the online form or paper version in the Surgery.

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