Young People’s Health and Wellbeing

At the moment Young People’s emotional health and wellbeing/mental health seems to be in crisis and every day brings a fresh news story or report about the pressures our young people face.

Every SAVVY Young Person Friendly Service has a role to play in helping to :

“Develop the resilience of Young People, empowering them to identify and access the resources they require to feel positive about themselves and promote wellbeing, where they are and where they can get to”

Details of how/where to signpost Young People to in Cornwall can be found on the SAVVY website,

or  through the following links :

LOCAL SUPPORT IN CORNWALL – free online support for young people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly – mental health and wellbeing services for young people in Cornwall – a website designed and developed by young people in Cornwall. things to do, places to go, education, jobs and volunteering … – programmes, projects and youth group support to give young people a voice, build their confidence, boost their creativity and help them open doors

WEBSITES TO SUPPORT EMOTIONAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING AND MENTAL HEALTH – the voice for young people’s mental health and wellbeing – advice on how to help friends who are struggling to cope emotionally – non-judgmental support, information, discussion boards and live chat for 16-25 year olds – childline offers free, confidential advice and support whatever your worry, whenever you need help – 08457 909090 – telephone support for anyone who needs to talk –  equip young people, parents and professionals with the skills to tackle bullying and safeguarding – selfharm uk is a project dedicated to supporting young people providing a safe place to talk, ask any questions and be honest about what’s going on in your life – HeadMeds is a website for young people providing information about mental health medication – supporting anyone affected by eating disorders or difficulties with food, weight and shape

Just some of the links available for Young People.

More details are available on the SAVVY website or on our YP Notice Board in the Foyer area of the Surgery