
St Keverne Health Centre Dispensary

Dispensing facilities are available for most patients who live more than one mile from a chemist; you will be advised of your eligibility when you register as a patient.

Non-urgent advice: Dispensary Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8.30 -13.00, 14.00 – 18.00

Please try to avoid collecting your repeat prescriptions during surgery times (8.30-10 and 16.00-17.30) to as the dispensers will be busy fulfilling the prescriptions generated by the doctors.

Repeat prescriptions can be ordered easily through a variety of methods, designed to suit everyone and to ensure that all patients can contact the dispensary at a time and by a method that best suits their busy lives. WE DO NOT TAKE REPEATS OVER THE TELEPHONE

Please give at least 5 working days notice, THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE WEEKENDS.

We comply with the Disability Discrimination Act and will make any reasonable adjustments with the dispensing arrangements for anyone registered under the Act.

By Royal Mail:

Prescription requests are made using the prescription counterfoil provided with each prescription. Please clearly tick the items that are required. This slip can be posted to:

  • The Dispensary,
    The Health Centre,
    St Keverne,
    TR12 6 PB.
  • Please allow additional time for Royal Mail delivery, particularly at Christmas and Easter Time and Bank Holidays.

By Hand:

Prescription requests are made using the prescription counterfoil provided with each prescription. Please tick clearly the items that are required. This slip can be placed in the post box provided just inside the main front door of the Health Centre during working hours, or placed in the post box outside the premises to the left of the front door outside of working hours.

Monthly Prescriptions: 

Please ensure that you do not run out of medication, by ordering your repeat prescription in plenty of time. We require at least 1 weeks notice not including weekends. During busy periods, such as Bank Holidays, we would appreciate being given extra time. Please do not over-order or “stock up” on medicines.

Co-ordination of monthly prescriptions: 

The dispensers would welcome the opportunity to liaise with any patient, to co-ordinate their medications so that they can all be ordered regularly once a month. Having different medications due at different times of the month is time-consuming for patients and their carers, and often necessitates more than one request and trip to the surgery premises every month. Dispensary staff and doctors are happy to undertake medication reviews and co-ordinate medications to run out simultaneously.

When picking up controlled drugs, you may be asked to show some form of identification.

Dosett boxes: These boxes contain medication in specially designed blister packs, making it easier for the elderly or infirm to remember to take their medication appropriately. If you feel that you, or someone you care for, would benefit from this service, please discuss this with their doctor. More information on the dosett boxes is available from the dispensary, but these can only be authorised by the doctor.

Emergencies: If you have any problems, queries or difficulties, or if you have accidentally run out of your medication, a dispenser will be available to offer advice and assistance. Please contact the dispensary through the usual surgery telephone number on 01326 280205.

Health Awareness: We have a team of very experienced and competent dispensers, who can offer advice to patients and their carers, providing the patient has given their permission. We liaise closely with other members of the Practice team, including the doctors and practice nurses. Healthy living advice is available upon request, along with a wide range of supportive literature and leaflets. The Dispensary aims to ensure that all patients receive excellent patient care, including regular check-ups and regular tests as required by the doctor.

Queries and Questions: If you have a query about any aspect of your medication or care, please ask a member of staff. If they do not know the answer, they will speak to the appropriate person and get back to you within a reasonable period.