Partners :
Dr Suzanne Atherton MB ChB MRCGP DCH DFSRH
Dr David Rossiter B.Med.Sci., MB.ChB., MRCS Ed., MRCGP, P.G. Cert.Clin.Ed.
Our Aims and Objectives
- We aim to ensure high quality, safe and effective services and environment
- To provide monitored, audited and continually improving healthcare services
- To provide healthcare which is available to a whole population and create a partnership between patient and health profession which ensures mutual respect, holistic care and continuous learning and training
- The provision of accessible healthcare which is proactive to healthcare changes, efficiency and innovation and development
- To improve Clinical Governance and Evidence Based Practice
- To improve Clinical and Non-clinical risk management
- To reduce risk in specific clinical risk areas and facilities
- To improve environment and capacity
- To improve vigilance for unforeseen emergencies
- To optimise performance against key targets and core standards
- To meet key targets
- To meet Annual Health Checks
- To implement Payment by results
- To become a patient centred organisation
- To improve services offered to patients
- To improve communication between the surgery and the patients
- To recruit, retain and develop a highly motivated and appropriately skilled workforce
- To enhance performance of the workforce
- To develop management capability
- To guide the employees in accordance with the Equalities Scheme
- To continue the development of the Practice
- To ensure effective management and governance systems
St Keverne Health Centre is a rural General Practice consisting of 15 staff
2 GP Partners (1 female and 1 male)
2 Practice Nurses
2 Healthcare Assistant
1 Practice Manager
2 Secretary/Deputy Practice Assistant
8 Receptionists/Dispensers
1 Courier
Other professionals, eg. counsellors, physiotherapists, health visitor and midwives also use our premises.
The Health Centre is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.30pm.
St Keverne Health Centre currently provides General Medical Services to approximately 2,900 registered patients. This list size has gradually increased and continues to grow steadily.
The practice is currently accommodated in purpose built premises built in the 1970s in the rural village of St Keverne with onsite parking for the disabled.
Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (The Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 Part 4), the registering body (St Keverne Health Centre) is required to provide to the Care Quality Commission a statement of purpose.
The registered activities and service types have been agreed by the St Keverne Health Centre’s Partners in accordance with CQC guidance.
The services provided by St Keverne Health Centre
- Routine medical checks New Patient Checks
- Medication reviews
- Repeat prescription service
- Management of Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Hypertension
- Contraception services and pill checks, coil, nexplanon, insertion and removal
- Wound management and suture removal
- Immunisations, eg. Childhood immunisations
- NHS Travel vaccinations
- Weight Management
- Smoking
- Respiratory clinic
- Asthma
- Diabetic
- Family planning clinic
- Flu vaccination
- Phlebotomy
- Minor surgery
- Annual Health checks
- Annual Learning Disability checks
- Home visits
- Palliative Care
- Cervical
- EEFO – Young person friendly advice and service
Non NHS Services
- Private medical insurance reports and medicals
- HGV and taxi driver medicals
- Childminding medicals
- Countersignature for Passports and Powers of Attorney
- Capacity Assessments for making of a Will
- Fitness certificates
- Non NHS vaccinations eg. Hep A and B
- Copies from records
GP and nurse appointments are available to book in advance as well as GP on the day open surgery. Home visits are available to patients who are unable to visit the practice and these are bookable between 8.30am and 10am. We are a dispensing practice and dispense medication for 98% of our patient list and we request 5 working days collection period.
Community Health Services are also available to the patients and may be provided in the patient’s home or from a community location depending on the service.
Our practice ethos is to strive towards a partnership between patients and health professionals based on the following key facets :
Mutual Respect
We endeavour to treat all our patients with dignity, respect and honesty. Everyone at St Keverne Health Centre is committed to deliver an excellent service. We ask all patients to highlight any concerns and to offer the same commitment in return.
Continuity of Care and the Therapeutic relationship
Building and maintaining a strong relationship between doctors, health professionals, and patients is essential to the way we work. This is especially so in the management of ongoing problems or long-term illness. In these circumstances we encourage patients to continue seeing the same health professional and wherever possible we will facilitate this through our appointments system. However, if a patient has a new problem, and the doctor or nurse they would normally see is not available, then we would encourage the patient to see someone else at the practice.
For patients who do not speak English a family member can translate at their request. One of our GPs does speak German and French. The practice is accessible to wheelchair patients.
Consent and Chaperone
Consulting rooms are away from the reception area where no conversation can be overheard or examination seen. No patient is ever examined or procedure undertaken without consent. A chaperone is available upon request.
We encourage patients to let us know if they are a carer or are cared for by another person as this helps to alert us to possible needs in this role. A carer is someone who, without payment, provides help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without their help. This could be due to age, physical or mental illness, substance misuse or disability. Anyone can become a carer.
All patient information is considered to be confidential and we comply fully with the Data Protection Act, Freedom of Information Act and Gender Recognition Act.
Comments, suggestions and complaints
We welcome comments and suggestions on our service and have a permanently situated suggestion box in our Reception Foyer area. We have a protocol for dealing with complaints. Complaints should be made to the Practice Manager, who will ensure all relevant details are recorded, arrange for the complaint to be investigated and respond in a timely manner. If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant, the Health Service Ombudsman can investigate the complaint further.